You aren’t alone! You should try Valana Minerals™ because Valana Minerals are specifically for diverse skin tones and realistic undertones. Both skin tone and undertone are crucial in our color development. All of our colors have a yellow undertone with variations of red, olive and blue. This means that the color selection will match a significantly greater number of people. Valana Minerals™ is truly a multi-use product. One product works as moderate coverage foundation, light loose powder and concealer. Our Stardust Luxury Foundation© has only four, pure, natural, radiant ingredients. Premium Performance Cream Foundation contains luxurious, organic ingredients and minerals. We encourage you to read the ingredients on your cosmetic labels and learn about them.

Some companies actually sell only two shades of brown and tout two colors as sufficient for the diverse shades among women of color. Just take a look around and you know that is simply not true. Most companies don’t produce colors that look good on people with brown skin due to the use of several white and gray fillers nor do they produce a wide range of shades or undertones. For example, many companies use Bismuth, which adds a shinny finish but it’s gray and makes brown skin look dry and ‘ashy.’

Our Stardust Luxury Foundation© and Premium Performance Cream Foundation is designed and created for diverse skin tones and many of the colors we offer are not available from any other company. I am certain of this because I’ve researched the “mineral cosmetic market,” created and designed the color selection. They were designed in an effort to better meet the skincare needs of a global marketplace. The colors are versatile and so concentrated that they last and last.